Rethinking Education for the 21st Century
Play Talks is a podcast dedicated to exploring and promoting changes in current education, focusing on developing 21st-century skills through play. Each episode offers valuable insights for parents, educators, and educational leaders, aiming to positively influence the way we teach and learn.

Who is it For?
Parents interested in being active and up-to-date agents in their children's education.
Educators, school owners, and individuals who can positively influence education and want to be agents of change.

Rethinking Education
Through Play
I am Mariana Carazo, originally from Costa Rica but currently residing in Orlando, Florida. Education is my passion and vocation. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Preschool Education and a Master's degree from Teachers College, Columbia University, with an emphasis on Curriculum and Teaching, specializing in the education of gifted children.
I am committed to highlighting the importance of using play as a teaching tool, demonstrating that it is possible to educate through play and that this is the answer to the educational change we need in today's world.
I hope you enjoy this journey and join me in advocating for play as an essential educational tool.